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Pint-sized northener. Past escapades include two summers in Paris, a 6 month stint in Newcastle (why aye, man), 18 months (of my life that I’ll never get back) working for a bank, and a simillarly lost 12 week period on an Ecumenical Summer Camp deep in the USA's white mountain range -- I'll say no more.

 A conscious choice to be a ‘challenging pupil’ (AKA little shit)  whilst at secondary school resulted in my education being put on the back-burner -- as well as countless orange collars (courtesy of Miss Sporty's liquid foundation, applied a little too zelously); multiple periods of being unintentionally strawberry blonde and one God-awful minge-fringe.

 During my subsequent kidulthoood I gained a wealth of experience in customer service, binge drinking and experinece in experimental experiences -- wink, wink.

 Fast forward to the present day and kidulthood is fast becoming tiresome. I’m currently juggling working full time as a waitress with being an undergraduate studying Journalism and Practical Media at The University of Plymouth with dreams of writing features and a desire to branch out into events.

 I literally have no social life, no money and no time -- which I'm often having mild  to moderate panic attacks about, let me tell you. Will I be successful? Will I ever be able to have just one glass of wine? An how has a broken light set off a set of chain reactions that have, ultimatley, lead to me walking out the house in double denim as a real-life Ode to Les Battersby.

  Here are the trials and tribulations of My Tragic Twenties.


A piece to camera and a piece of audio that truly highlight my namesake:

Unknown Track - Unknown Artist
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